Divination reading
I-Ching divination and Intuitive Readings
What is are Divination and Intuitive readings?
An intuitive reading is a channeled guidance bringing clarity on your life’s path and decision making. Acting as a Light in the tunnel. An Intuitive reading, is shining forth the answers that are already within you. Using Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance, we tune into the universal library of the All-Knowing, and handpick the necessary informations relating our request.
An I-Ching divination reading is a clear message given from the ancient Chinese Divination Medicine. Using the frequencies of Yin and Yang, and 8 Earthly elements. I-Ching is constituted of 64 hexagrams to give us a straightforward answer on any kind of questions. I-Ching divination readings are an important part in the ascension process, as we learn to let go of control and surrender deeper into trust of the Divine Wisdom.
Both Intuitive and Divination readings is a great support for all major decisions, radical life changes, and new career and relationship endeavors. It is a key to understanding the “Why” and
'“How” of the “What”.
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*Email margasamadhi@gmail.com for rates and availability.