Multidimensional Quantum Healing

Just for today, I will let go of anger. Just for today, I will let go of worry. Today, I will count my many blessings. Today, I will do my work honestly. Today, I will be kind to every living creature.
— Mikao Usui

Multidimensional Quantum Healing


We are Life. Like the trees, the plants, the animals, the elements, we give and receive Prana, Chi, Qi (Life Force Energy). In an everyday scenario, we accumulate the environment's energies. From the atmosphere, the land, the people, the foods, the telecommunications, to our thoughts, our words, our actions. Everything ripples and stores in our being. Our chakra system also gets balanced and imbalanced from our day to day interactions, which in turn our waves of emotions will vary and shift.

Not only from our present and future actions, we also carry or store our past actions, from the many past lives we’ve had on this Beloved Earth. Our past Traumas, difficult experiences, and unlearned lessons, can leave a serious wound within our Karmic Soul's Being.

Our body’s shield, then suffers from those un-recycled, blocked energies/actions/traumas, and retain us from living to our full potential.

Quantum Energy Healing, is the most advanced healing practice that cleanses those unwanted energies and reharmonize, reboots, reprograms the Body, the Mind and the Soul, to its highest version.

Quantum Healing offerings:

Body and Mind rebalancing

Illness/Disease/Aches recovery

Chakra/Hormones recentering

Highest Self - Light Activation

DNA recovery

LightBody Activation


Matrix Programming

Soul Contracting

Soul Retrieval

Sexual Trauma Healing

Ascension Guidance


Vibrational Sound Healing

Voice activation

Intention Prayer Calling

Home Energy Cleaning

And more…


~ Ayra Kira Tura Nidra ~


*Note: Fewer sessions are recommended to clear deeply rooted energies.

Contact, for booking and inquiries.



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Love & Light